Seadiah's Arabic translation of Genesis xii. 16 (ואתאן) to xix. 35 (בניאמהא)
Seadiah's Arabic translation of Genesis xiii. 6 (יקימו גמיעא) to xvi. 3 (פאכדת)
Arabic vocabulary for Genesis
Seadiah's Arabic translation of Deuteronomy ix. 22 (אשעאל) to xi. 23 (אלאמם מן)
Seadiah's Arabic translation of Leviticus xiii. 16 (פליגי) to xiv. 17 (אדן אל)
Hebrew text of Psalms xviii. 40 to xx. 2, each verse followed by a Persian translation
Seadiah's Arabic translation and commentary on Psalms
Short commentary on Jeremiah x. 11 to xi. 15
Text and Seadiah's Arabic translation of Daniel