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- Contents:
- Arabic commentary on GenesisSeadiah's Arabic translation of GenesisSeadiah's Arabic translation of Genesis l.12 (מא אוצאהם) to Exodus i. 14 (אלדי אסתכדמוהם)Arabic translationArabic translation of Exodus xxx. 27 (ואיא כל אניתה) to xxxiii. 12 (הדא אלשעב)Arabic translation and commentary on Leviticus v. 1 to 12Seadiah's Arabic translation of NumbersArabic commentary on NumbersHebrew commentary on 1 Kings[10 more parts]
- Contents:
- Masoretic fragmentPsalmsEzekielArabic translation and commentary of EzekielSeadiah's translation, commentary, and text of Psalm xi. 4 to xvi. 2Arabic commentary on Deut. vi. 4 to 6Arabic commentary on 1 Samuel xxvii. 10 to 2 Samuel xii. 11Rashi's commentary on GenesisArabic commentary [ by Judah ibn Balam ]Arabic translation and commentary on 2 Samuel[8 more parts]
- Contents:
- Arabic commentary on Mishnah שבתFragment of letter addressed to Judah [ben Joseph], אלוף וראש סידראArabic responsumMidrash שיר השירים רבהויקרא רבהTosefta ערכין iii. 2 (הרגל כמה היא שוקלת) to iv. 12 (עשרה טפחים)Mishnah אבות; דרך ארץ זוטאדרך ארץ זוטאMishnah נדרים iii. 5 (נהנים לי) to ix. 1 (לבין אביו)Mishnah כלאים; שביעית[17 more parts]
- Contents:
- Fragment of Judah ben Barzilai ’s commentary on the ספר יצירהAverroes ’ Arabic commentary on Aristotle ’s Sophistics (?)A fragment of an Arabic sermon (?)A fragment of an Arabic introduction to JobFragment of a deed in ArabicResponsum on difficult words in Babylonian TalmudResponsaהלכות גדולותRashi’s commentary on Babylonian Talmud בבא קמאשאילתות of R. Aḥai[7 more parts]
- Contents:
- Fragment of the Arabic text of Judah hal-levi’s כוזריAn astrological fragment, headed ברג̇ אלחותLegal documentsHomilies on the פרשיותFragments in ArabicLiturgical piecesCommentary in Arabic on HalakhothFragment of the Arabic commentary of Samuel b. Ḥofni on Numbers xxi. 31 to xxii. 1Halakha in Arabic on חזקהFragment of a commentary in Arabic on Deuteronomy v. 19-23[29 more parts]
- Contents:
- Commentary on Genesis by Samuel (nagid) b. David b. SolomonCommentary on Prov. 6,19 to 8,14 by Joseph b. NaḥmiashRashi's commentary on Babylonian Talmud Baba M. fol. 102b (אסתירא הכי א̇ל̇ מאה פרוטות) to fol. 106 (ואני לא בקשתי)Commentary on Babylonian Talmud Kethubhoth fols. 87-88bFor י̇הכ̇. From a German MazhorA small fragment of MidrashExtract from Midrash, Other writing exercisesPart of a collection of poems
- Contents:
- Gen. 18,11 to 19,9Gen. 21,18 to 23,10 and (fol. 4) 24,14-42Rashi's commentary on Gen. 31,30-49, but with additionsNum. 20,14 to 21,9Ezek. 1,12 to 10,7Psalms 147,12 to 149,9Job 6,14 to 7,10 and (fol. 17) 13,7 to 14,15Lam. 1,21 to the end of the book, followed (fol. 22v) by Esther 1,1 to 2,22LiturgicalArabic treatise on degrees of relationship[15 more parts]
- Contents:
- Lev. 11,46 - 13,49Lev. 25,21 - 26,2Num. 2,15-29; 4,13-22, with Saadia's Arabic version after each verseDeut. 32,43 - 33,9 in Saadia's Arabic versionCommentary in Arabic on Lev. 27,26-27Parts of 3 homilies (?) in ArabicFragment of liturgy, perhaps only a writing exercisescribbling, headed נקל הדא אלרשות מן נסכה̇ גיר מחררה תחרר, etc.Fragment of a Siddurסליחות[6 more parts]
- Contents:
- Fragment of a book of formulae for lettersPart of a commentary, in Arabic, on DeuteronomyFragment of a theological work (or commentary ?), in ArabicFragment of a commentary, in Arabic, on Jeremiah xvii. 22, 23Commentary, in Arabic, on ExodusCommentary, in Arabic, on Leviticus xvii. 4 to 14Philosophical work, in Arabic, on שיר השיריםMagical recipesPoemsCommentary, in Arabic, on difficult passages in Babylonian Talmud שבת[37 more parts]
- Contents:
- The commentary of Baḥya b. Asher on Gen. 18,8-21Commentary on Exod. 22,25 to 23,9Naḥmanides' commentary on Deut. 8,17 to 10,12Homilies by Joshua b. ShuʿaibFragment of the Zohar, פ' משפטיםMaimonides' Mishneh TorahFragment of the מגיד משנה, a commentary by Vidal di Tolosa on Maimonides' Mishneh TorahFragment of the ס' תולדות אדם וחוה of Yeruḥam b. MeshullamFragment of the ס' מישרים of Yeruḥam b. MeshullamFragment of the מגן אבות of Simeon DuranFragments of an ethical workMystical commentary on Canticle 3,5-8Fragment of a mystical treatise, in Arabic, on angels, jinn, stars, Solomon
- Contents:
- Deut. 2,33 to 3,18Haftaroth with Targum after each verseMidrash SamuelIbn Ezra's commentary on Num. 14,22 (שהוא לעתיד) to 15,16Fragment of a homiletical commentary on 2 Kings 3,26 to 5,5Grammatical fragment in Arabic on Hiphil and HithpaelCommentary on Babylonian Talmud ברכות fols. 58b end, to 60aBabylonian Talmud ביצה fol. 22, line 8 from below, to fol. 23a endSmall fragment of an Arabic commentary on Babylonian Talmud בבא מציעא fol. 38b מורידין קרוב לנכסיוIntroduction to an Arabic treatise on phylacteries by Moses b. Joseph of Cordova[27 more parts]
- Contents:
- Genesis vi. 17 (אשר בארץ) to x. 27 (הדורם)Genesis x. 22 to xvii. 9 (אחריך)Numbers xxvii. 14 (העדה) to xxix. 14 (עשרנים)Deuteronomy xiv. 26 (בכל) to xv. 15 (על)Deuteronomy xvi. 16 (פני יהוה ריקם) to xx. 20 (כי)HaftarothHaftaroth with TargumJoshua xxiv. 6 (וירדפו) to Judges i. 12 (ולכדה), followed by Judges ix. 1 to 46 (וישמעו)Judges xvi. 22 (ראשו) to xviii. 3 (בזה ומה)Isaiah xxiv. 21 (יפקד) to xxx. 11 (סורו)Jeremiah xxxi. 37 (אני) to xxxii. 32 (על כל)Ezekiel x. 9 (third אצל) to xiv. 1 (ויבא)Job; ProverbsEzra viii. 1 (אבתיהם) to 31 (ויד)
- Contents:
- Seadiah's Arabic translation of Genesis xii. 16 (ואתאן) to xix. 35 (בניאמהא)Seadiah's Arabic translation of Genesis xiii. 6 (יקימו גמיעא) to xvi. 3 (פאכדת)Arabic vocabulary for GenesisSeadiah's Arabic translation of Deuteronomy ix. 22 (אשעאל) to xi. 23 (אלאמם מן)Seadiah's Arabic translation of Leviticus xiii. 16 (פליגי) to xiv. 17 (אדן אל)Hebrew text of Psalms xviii. 40 to xx. 2, each verse followed by a Persian translationSeadiah's Arabic translation and commentary on PsalmsShort commentary on Jeremiah x. 11 to xi. 15Text and Seadiah's Arabic translation of Daniel
- Contents:
- Mishnah ברכות with the commentary of Maimonides in ArabicMishnahTosefta טבול יום and עוקצין, ed. Zuckermandel, p. 685, line 16 (ומאה) to p. 687, line 33 (ששלקן אין)Babylonian Talmud ראש השנה, fol. 29b, line 21 (בר לחמא) to fol. 32, line 26 (אף כאן)Babylonian Talmud חגיגהAlfasi בבא קמא i. 2 (למעוטי מאי) to ii. 2 (וחצי נזק הוא)Fragments of Midrash בראשית רבהFragment of MidrashRashi ’s commentary on Exodus xxxiv. 31 (הוא כל) to Leviticus v. 17 (ביום הכפורים ע̇א̇כ̇ו̇)Title מן תפסיר בראשית, commentary in Arabic on Genesis[26 more parts]
- Contents:
- Alfasi תעניתFragments of Rashi's commentary on Babylonian Talmud עירוביןBabylonian Talmud גיטין fol. 77b, line 1 (בתקנת) to the end of the chapterFragment of מעשיותFragment of a grammatical work, on the forms of the verbFragments of Maimonides in ArabicFragment of a controversial work in ArabicCommentary in Arabic on the beg. of כי תזריע (Lev. xii. 2-4)Fragment of a sermon or treatise, in Arabic, on retributionBiblical verses, followed by liturgical poems[22 more parts]
- Contents:
- MishnahMishnah כלים iii. 4 (בטל שם) to v. 11 (ושל מתכת)Commentary on Mishnah בכורים iv. 2 to 4;Commentary on Mishnah יבמות i. 2 to ii. 2Babylonian Talmud שבת fol. 14b, line 3 (דכת̇ ובא) to fol. 15, line 10, and fol. 15b, line 4 (לשריפה) to fol. 16, line 16Babylonian Talmud שבתBabylonian Talmud פסחיםBabylonian Talmud פסחים fol. 69b, line 9 (obliterated) to fol. 70b, line 19 (דאתא)Babylonian Talmud יבמות fol. 28b, line 12 (איסור) to fol. 34b, line 23 (מתעברת)[40 more parts]
- Contents:
- Babylonian Talmud הוריותBabylonian Talmud סנהדרין (fol. 3b, much obliterated) to ור̇ עקיבא (fol. 4, l. 3)Jerusalem Talmud ברכותBabylonian Talmud סנהדריןBabylonian Talmud ברכותBabylonian Talmud פסחין from אחד כסא (fol. 102b, l. 3) to ואכסא (fol. 103b, l. 8)Babylonian Talmud כתובות from ניסתפחה (fol. 2b, l. 1) to ובועל (fol. 4, l. 14 from below)Babylonian Talmud ברכות from אמר מר זוטרא (fol. 6b, l. 23) to כנגד כל העולם (l. 4 from below)Babylonian Talmud כתובותCommentary on סנהדרין[12 more parts]
- Contents:
- Seadiah's Arabic translation of PentateuchNumbers xxxiii. 15 (ורחלו) to Deuteronomy i. 44 (פי דלך אל) by SeadiahAn Arabic translation and commentary on GenesisArabic translation and commentary Exodus xix. 13Arabic translation of and commentary on JeremiahFragment of an Arabic glossaryArabic translation and commentary on end of Hosea and Joel i to 18Arabic translation and commentary on PsalmsSeadiah's translation and commentary on JobSeadiah's commentary on JobAnonymous Arabic translationFragments of Seadiah's commentary on Daniel
- Contents:
- Alfasi הלכות ציצית, parts of fols. 86a to 87aHalakhoth or commentary on יבמות, the beg. of chapter xArabic letter; Halakha on GittinMidrash Tanḥuma, end of פר̇ תבא and beg. of נצביםHeaded לך לך, fragment of a homily on that parasha, from Gen. 15,4 to 15,18Fragment of a theological treatise in ArabicFragment of an Arabic commentary on Lev. 25, in connection with Mishnah B. Mezia iv. 10 and v. 1Fragment of D. Qimḥi's commentary on 1 Chron. 4,3-17Fragment of an Arabic responsum (?)Legal document[18 more parts]
- Contents:
- Arabic translation of Hosea, with short commentary, chaps. vi. 11 to viii. 1Fragment of an Arabic work on repentance (?), based on the biblical account of Adam and CainHeaded הדא כתא[ב אלמו]ארית והו יגמע כת̇ אלפ... כולה ממא ידכר רב סעדיה בר יוסף ראש הישיבה שר כל ישראל רוח יי תניחנוFragment of a treatise in Arabic on the 613 preceptsFragment of a commentary, in Arabic, on Babylonian Talmud בבא בתרא, fol. 116bהלכות נשואין in Arabic, chap. iii. (beg. missing) to chap. v, incompleteFragment of a Halakhic treatise, in Arabic, on clean and unclean meats (Leviticus xi)Liturgical pieces for ר̇ה̇Haftaroth, with Targum after each verseLiturgical[29 more parts]