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- Contents:
- Metsaḥ Aharon: commentary on Leviticus מצח אהרן : על ספר ויקרא
- Contents:
- A fragment of a marriage contractMarriage contract; magical formulaeFragments of Hebrew documentsA marriage contract between Japheth son of Solomon and Berakhah daughter of ShemariahMarriage contract; LeviticusA marriage contractAn Arabic documentA document concerning a sale of propertyA will, in ArabicFragment of a marriage contract[14 more parts]
- Contents:
- Letters and legal documents
- Contents:
- Document in ArabicDocumentA fragment of a marriage contractAn Arabic documentDocumentsA conveyance of propertyDocument; liturgicalFragment of a marriage contract[24 more parts]
- Contents:
- Biblical fragments
- Contents:
- Biblical fragments
- Contents:
- MishnahBabylonian Talmud ברכותBabylonian Talmud שבת, fol. 81b (obliterated) to fol. 82b, line 14 (למאי)Babylonian Talmud עירוביןBabylonian Talmud עירובין, fol. 54b, line 38 (לכולהו) to fol. 55, line 21 (והגשר)Babylonian Talmud סוכהBabylonian Talmud ראש השנה, fol. 33, line 12 (מתעסקין) to fol. 34b, line 30 (המברכין)Babylonian Talmud גיטין, fol. 86b, line 29 (בו נימא) to fol. 89, line 46 (רב חמא)[35 more parts]
- Contents:
- Letters and deeds
- Contents:
- Dees and letters
- Contents:
- Mishnah ברכות with the commentary of Maimonides in ArabicMishnahTosefta טבול יום and עוקצין, ed. Zuckermandel, p. 685, line 16 (ומאה) to p. 687, line 33 (ששלקן אין)Babylonian Talmud ראש השנה, fol. 29b, line 21 (בר לחמא) to fol. 32, line 26 (אף כאן)Babylonian Talmud חגיגהAlfasi בבא קמא i. 2 (למעוטי מאי) to ii. 2 (וחצי נזק הוא)Fragments of Midrash בראשית רבהFragment of MidrashRashi ’s commentary on Exodus xxxiv. 31 (הוא כל) to Leviticus v. 17 (ביום הכפורים ע̇א̇כ̇ו̇)Title מן תפסיר בראשית, commentary in Arabic on Genesis[26 more parts]
- Contents:
- Fragments of the ס' מצוות הגדול (ס'מ'ג') by Moses of CoucyLiturgicalA writing exercise, A letter in Arabic naskhiZech. 3,5 (Targ.) to 4,9 (Targ.), A letter in Arabic naskhiAn amuletFragments (§§ 924-25) of אבי העזרי (ראבי"ה)Fragments of a synagogue calendarEz. 20,22 - 21,14
- Contents:
- Rashi's commentary on Babylonian Talmud תעניתMishnah נדריםMidrashספרי, section האזינוA Halakhic-Agadic commentary on DeuteronomyAlfasi
- Contents:
- A deed in Arabic conveying propertyA fragment of a magical treatise in ArabicA fragment of entries in ArabicLetterThree oblong slips containing lists of namesA fragment of a letter (?)A fragment of some business record in ArabicThe end of a commercial document, in which שלושה חנותים are mentionedA fragment of an Arabic commercial document[11 more parts]
- Contents:
- Mishnah: אבות i. 11 (אחריכם) to iii. 14 (נתתי לכם)MishnahMishnah: אבותMishnah: פיאה ii.4 (ולחרובין) to iii. 6Mishnah: ערובין iii. 3 (מי שישב, ed. iv. 4) to iv. 6 (ממקום, ed. v. 9)Mishnah: יבמות[23 more parts]
- Contents:
- ס̇ עולם רבאספראספריספרי זוטאמכילתאמדרש ילמדנו ? on Exodusפסיקתא דר̇ כהנאמדרש ויקרא רבאאבות דר̇ נתןמדות, geometrical treatise, attributed to R. Nathan[14 more parts]
- Contents:
- Arabic translations and commentaries.
- Contents:
- LiturgicalFor סדריםMaḥazor; LiturgicalA fragment of the Siddur of R. AmramTwo שבעה for Sabbaths, by Qalir (לאלעזר בר אלקלר)Liturgies for יום כיפורסליחות[9 more parts]
- Contents:
- Mishnah פאהMishnahMishnah סוכהBabylonian Talmud חולין fol. 37, line 7 from below (מבעיא) to fol. 38b, l. 3 from below (עובד)Babylonian Talmud בבא קמאספראA responsum, concerning a question of inheritanceCommentary on Babylonian Talmud בבא בתרא fol. 20bA commentary on Babylonian Talmud בבא מציעא fol. 116b to endBabylonian Talmud שבת[12 more parts]
- Contents:
- MishnahMishnah כלים iii. 4 (בטל שם) to v. 11 (ושל מתכת)Commentary on Mishnah בכורים iv. 2 to 4;Commentary on Mishnah יבמות i. 2 to ii. 2Babylonian Talmud שבת fol. 14b, line 3 (דכת̇ ובא) to fol. 15, line 10, and fol. 15b, line 4 (לשריפה) to fol. 16, line 16Babylonian Talmud שבתBabylonian Talmud פסחיםBabylonian Talmud פסחים fol. 69b, line 9 (obliterated) to fol. 70b, line 19 (דאתא)Babylonian Talmud יבמות fol. 28b, line 12 (איסור) to fol. 34b, line 23 (מתעברת)[40 more parts]
- Contents:
- Deeds and letters
- Contents:
- Hymn beg. (illegible) יגדל יקר.., which is the refrainLiturgical, for י̇הכ̇SeliḥothSeliḥaShort piyyutim, divided by linesThe complimentary conclusion, in rhyme, of a petition addressed to a Gaon unnamedFragment of a dictionary arranged under roots (בוץ to בטן and גמל to גר)Grammatical (?) fragment in ArabicGenealogyPart of a שטר חוב in Arabic and Hebrew[13 more parts]
- Contents:
- Genesis, Text and TargumGen. 50,1 to Exod. 1,12Exod. 36,24 to 38,7Lev. 4,34 to 5,18Leviticus, NumbersPart of Numbers 22, 6-34Part of Numbers 23,14-22 and 23,24 to 24,1Part of Judges 14,5-8, 17-19Masorah on Judges 7 (?)2 Kings 5,1-11Part of Isaiah 28,9 to 29,10PsalmsIbn Ezra's commentary of Leviticus 23,11 (המן וכן טעם כל הפסוק) to 23,40 (רק עלי חמשה מינים)Responsum (?)Fragment
- Contents:
- The commentary of Baḥya b. Asher on Gen. 18,8-21Commentary on Exod. 22,25 to 23,9Naḥmanides' commentary on Deut. 8,17 to 10,12Homilies by Joshua b. ShuʿaibFragment of the Zohar, פ' משפטיםMaimonides' Mishneh TorahFragment of the מגיד משנה, a commentary by Vidal di Tolosa on Maimonides' Mishneh TorahFragment of the ס' תולדות אדם וחוה of Yeruḥam b. MeshullamFragment of the ס' מישרים of Yeruḥam b. MeshullamFragment of the מגן אבות of Simeon DuranFragments of an ethical workMystical commentary on Canticle 3,5-8Fragment of a mystical treatise, in Arabic, on angels, jinn, stars, Solomon
- Contents:
- Midrashic commentary on Exod.3,13 to 4,4A bill in SpanishAccounts; LetterAccounts in ArabicScribbling or cryptic writing?Scribbling, perhaps partly rough accountsLetter in ArabicMedical prescriptions in Arabic
- Contents:
- MishnahMishnah: כליםMaimonides' משנה תורה from הלכות שבתMishnah: נגעיםMishnah: אבות
- Contents:
- Babylonian Talmud סוכההלכות גדולותBabylonian Talmud שבתBabylonian Talmud עירובין from ואמרו ליה (fol. 54b, l. 9 from below) to סבר זימנין (fol. 62, l. 14)Babylonian Talmud תמיד from לא מעיקרא (fol. 32, l. 17) to the end of the chapterRashi's commentary on Babylonian Talmud עבודה זרה
- Contents:
- Fragment of Abraham ben Maimon ’s כפאיה אלעאבדין
- Contents:
- A fragment of Seadiah Gaon ’s treatise אלאמאנאת ואלאעתקאדאת
- Contents:
- Fragments of liturgies.
- Contents:
- Grammatical fragmentDavid Qamḥi ’s dictionary, from the end of בגד to beg. of בדקFragment of David Qamḥi ’s dictionary
- Contents:
- Seadiah's Arabic translation of Genesis xii. 16 (ואתאן) to xix. 35 (בניאמהא)Seadiah's Arabic translation of Genesis xiii. 6 (יקימו גמיעא) to xvi. 3 (פאכדת)Arabic vocabulary for GenesisSeadiah's Arabic translation of Deuteronomy ix. 22 (אשעאל) to xi. 23 (אלאמם מן)Seadiah's Arabic translation of Leviticus xiii. 16 (פליגי) to xiv. 17 (אדן אל)Hebrew text of Psalms xviii. 40 to xx. 2, each verse followed by a Persian translationSeadiah's Arabic translation and commentary on PsalmsShort commentary on Jeremiah x. 11 to xi. 15Text and Seadiah's Arabic translation of Daniel
- Contents:
- יום פסח פ̇ד̇ (so) לאהרן בר ישועה הרופא ז̇צ̇לA fragment of lamentations (קינות)For י̇ח̇ חנוכה (?)LiturgicalFragment of an Arabic סידורLiturgical fragments
- Contents:
- Fragments of sermonsA fragment of the Midrash on ProverbsR. Ḥananel's commentary on Babylonian Talmud בבא קמאA casuistic book in ArabicA philosophical treatise in ArabicResponsa by Isaac al-Fasi in ArabicMaimonides Mishneh Torah תפלהMaimonides autograph draft of Mishneh Torah שכירות and שאלהMaimonides Mishneh Torah אסורי ביאהCommentary on Maimonides Mishneh Torah נשיאות כפים and תפיליןArabic commentary on Maimonides Mishneh Torah, tractate עירובין
- Contents:
- The great Masorah on 1 Kings ix. 6 (חקתי) to 2 Kings xi. 18 (מזבחתו)Masoretic chapter on PsalmsMasorahThe great Masorah on ExodusA list of the minor lessons read on Mondays and ThursdaysMasoretic fragmentGrammatical treatiseGrammatical fragment in ArabicFragment of a grammatical treatise in ArabicGrammatical treatise in Arabic[12 more parts]
- Contents:
- AlfasiAlfasi, on גיטיןAlfasi, on שבתRashi's commentary on ברכותהלכותהלכות גדולות, on כתובותA casuistical commentary on בבא מציעאArabic commentary on ברכותMaimonides, משנה תורה[18 more parts]
- Contents:
- Untitled work or fragmentGeomantic tablesFragment of a sermon in ArabicA medical treatise in ArabicAn Arabic treatise on the manner of killing animals for foodA philosophical treatise in ArabicFragment of the text of Jedaiah ’s בחינת עולם with a commentaryפרקי דרבי אליעזרתיקונין of the Zoharדרוש מפ̇ זאת חקת, KabbalisticalSamuel Nagid ’s commentary on Numbers
- Contents:
- Miscellaneous fragments
- Contents:
- GenesisGenesis and Onqelos in parallel columnsLeviticusNumbersDeuteronomyJoshuaIsaiah[14 more parts]
- Contents:
- GenesisAn Arabic translation, with a short commentary on Genesis xxxi. 14 to 53Arabic commentary on Leviticus ix. 24 to x. 9A commentary on DeuteronomyAn Arabic translation of JoshuaAn Arabic translation and commentaryAn Arabic vocabulary to SamuelA small leafSeadiah Gaon's Arabic translation and commentary on IsaiahA commentary or a sermon in Arabic on Isaiah[8 more parts]
- Contents:
- Liturgical; Aramaic SayingsFragments of a liturgyFragments of a liturgy for ש̇ע̇ on הושענא רבאLiturgicalFragments of lamentationsHaftaroth according to the Palestinian cycleFragments of a liturgy for פוריםFragments of an עבודהFragments of the Azharah אתה הנחלתFragments of an Arabic commentary on the Azharah אתה הנחלת[6 more parts]
- Contents:
- Arabic commentary on GenesisSeadiah's Arabic translation of GenesisSeadiah's Arabic translation of Genesis l.12 (מא אוצאהם) to Exodus i. 14 (אלדי אסתכדמוהם)Arabic translationArabic translation of Exodus xxx. 27 (ואיא כל אניתה) to xxxiii. 12 (הדא אלשעב)Arabic translation and commentary on Leviticus v. 1 to 12Seadiah's Arabic translation of NumbersArabic commentary on NumbersHebrew commentary on 1 Kings[10 more parts]
- Contents:
- Masoretic fragmentPsalmsEzekielArabic translation and commentary of EzekielSeadiah's translation, commentary, and text of Psalm xi. 4 to xvi. 2Arabic commentary on Deut. vi. 4 to 6Arabic commentary on 1 Samuel xxvii. 10 to 2 Samuel xii. 11Rashi's commentary on GenesisArabic commentary [ by Judah ibn Balam ]Arabic translation and commentary on 2 Samuel[8 more parts]
- Contents:
- Babylonian Talmud הוריותBabylonian Talmud סנהדרין (fol. 3b, much obliterated) to ור̇ עקיבא (fol. 4, l. 3)Jerusalem Talmud ברכותBabylonian Talmud סנהדריןBabylonian Talmud ברכותBabylonian Talmud פסחין from אחד כסא (fol. 102b, l. 3) to ואכסא (fol. 103b, l. 8)Babylonian Talmud כתובות from ניסתפחה (fol. 2b, l. 1) to ובועל (fol. 4, l. 14 from below)Babylonian Talmud ברכות from אמר מר זוטרא (fol. 6b, l. 23) to כנגד כל העולם (l. 4 from below)Babylonian Talmud כתובותCommentary on סנהדרין[12 more parts]
- Contents:
- Midrash on PsalmsArabic commentary on Isaiah iii. 16Seadiah Gaon's אזהרהResponsaHalakhic commentary on Babylonian Talmud זבחיםArabic text of Maimonides' מורה הנבוכיםMidrash on Exodus xxix. 1Midrash on the ten commandmentsSayings as in חופת אליהוPassages from the Bab. Talmud[18 more parts]
- Contents:
- Arabic commentary on Mishnah שבתFragment of letter addressed to Judah [ben Joseph], אלוף וראש סידראArabic responsumMidrash שיר השירים רבהויקרא רבהTosefta ערכין iii. 2 (הרגל כמה היא שוקלת) to iv. 12 (עשרה טפחים)Mishnah אבות; דרך ארץ זוטאדרך ארץ זוטאMishnah נדרים iii. 5 (נהנים לי) to ix. 1 (לבין אביו)Mishnah כלאים; שביעית[17 more parts]
- Contents:
- Fragment of Judah ben Barzilai ’s commentary on the ספר יצירהAverroes ’ Arabic commentary on Aristotle ’s Sophistics (?)A fragment of an Arabic sermon (?)A fragment of an Arabic introduction to JobFragment of a deed in ArabicResponsum on difficult words in Babylonian TalmudResponsaהלכות גדולותRashi’s commentary on Babylonian Talmud בבא קמאשאילתות of R. Aḥai[7 more parts]
- Contents:
- Liturgical fragments
- Contents:
- scribbling in Arabic characters, the first verse of Leviticus in Syrian square characters, etc.LiturgiesLiturgy [for בשלח]Liturgy (ז̇ ברכות)Liturgicalהגדה with Arabic rules (Eastern rite)LiturgyFragments of prayer-booksקינות
- Contents:
- Jerusalem Talmud, tractate מועד קטןספראBabylonian Talmud סוכהBabylonian Talmud ביצההלכות גדולות, on שבתAn Arabic commentary on Leviticus xi in connexion with Deuteronomy xivAn Arabic treatise on matters concerning the three בבאArabic commentary on Babylonian Talmud חוליןAn Arabic treatise on the Sabbath and feast-daysהלכות[7 more parts]
- Contents:
- LiturgicalA fragment of a prayer-book with Arabic rulesFragment of שמונה עשרהLiturgical fragmentsFragment of a prayer-book with Arabic rulesFragment of prayers, mostly ש̇ע̇Fragment of Seadiah's Siddur[7 more parts]
- Contents:
- Seadiah's Arabic translation of PentateuchNumbers xxxiii. 15 (ורחלו) to Deuteronomy i. 44 (פי דלך אל) by SeadiahAn Arabic translation and commentary on GenesisArabic translation and commentary Exodus xix. 13Arabic translation of and commentary on JeremiahFragment of an Arabic glossaryArabic translation and commentary on end of Hosea and Joel i to 18Arabic translation and commentary on PsalmsSeadiah's translation and commentary on JobSeadiah's commentary on JobAnonymous Arabic translationFragments of Seadiah's commentary on Daniel
- Contents:
- תפלה למגפה, a Kabbalistic prayer to be recited in time of plague, by R. Abigdor AzrielA fragment of an Arabic vocabulary to JudgesFragment of liturgiesסליחותLiturgiesFragment of an Arabic controversial treatise against ChristianityArabic fragment on חלב, in which אהל אללגה are mentionedFragment of an Arabic homily (?) on Esther[ Abraham ibn Ezra ’s] poemFragment of a Maqamah[17 more parts]
- Contents:
- ספראBabylonian Talmud ברכותBabylonian Talmud ראש השנהA commentary on Babylonian Talmud נדה, fol. 69bCommentary on Babylonian Talmud ביצהA commentary on Babylonian Talmud זבחיםRationalistic commentary on Gen. xxi-xxivA fragment of a prayer-book in Arabic for י̇ה̇כ̇Mishnah אבותMishnah and Talmud for daily recitation[20 more parts]
- Contents:
- Fragments of liturgies
- Contents:
- Fragment of the Arabic text of Judah hal-levi’s כוזריAn astrological fragment, headed ברג̇ אלחותLegal documentsHomilies on the פרשיותFragments in ArabicLiturgical piecesCommentary in Arabic on HalakhothFragment of the Arabic commentary of Samuel b. Ḥofni on Numbers xxi. 31 to xxii. 1Halakha in Arabic on חזקהFragment of a commentary in Arabic on Deuteronomy v. 19-23[29 more parts]
- Contents:
- Liturgical pieces on the Song of MosesLiturgical piecesMasoretic fragment; sermon in ArabicFragment of a grammatical work in ArabicFragment of an ethical work in Arabicהלכות אבלSeadiah’s commentary on the ס̇ יצירהMasoretic fragmentResponsa in ArabicFragment of a treatise on the calendar[33 more parts]
- Contents:
- The Targum of Genesis xlix. 22 (עינא דמיא) to the end of the bookSeadiah ’s Arabic translation of Job xxxi. 21 to xxxiv. 7 (אלהזו)Arabic translation Canticles; Arabic vocabulary to EcclesiastesMishnahMishnah בכורות v. 2 (ישחט) to the beg. of vi. 11 (MS. 12)Mishnah נדרים viii. 5 (נתעברה השנה, MS. 8?) to ix. 8 (לו הלא)Fragment of a commentary on Babylonian Talmud מכות, fol. 5bBabylonian Talmud עבודה זרה Mishnah ii followed by the Gemara, fol. 22b, line 1, to fol. 23, line 20Mishnah כלים[45 more parts]
- Contents:
- BiblicalJeremiah, text with Targum after each verseEzekiel, text with Targum after each verseEzekielHaftaroth, with Targum after each verseHaftaroth, according to the triennial rite, with TargumA casuistic book in ArabicFragment of a philosophical treatise in ArabicFragment of a treatise on חזקה, in Arabic[26 more parts]
- Contents:
- Fragment of a כתובהDeed, in ArabicFragment of a quittanceLetter of consolationBusiness letter, in ArabicFragment of a letterכתובה[34 more parts]
- Contents:
- Fragment of a deed, in ArabicLetter, in ArabicFragment of the end of a conveyanceDeed, in ArabicContract, in ArabicResponsum, in ArabicDeeds, in Arabic[126 more parts]
- Contents:
- Alfasi תעניתFragments of Rashi's commentary on Babylonian Talmud עירוביןBabylonian Talmud גיטין fol. 77b, line 1 (בתקנת) to the end of the chapterFragment of מעשיותFragment of a grammatical work, on the forms of the verbFragments of Maimonides in ArabicFragment of a controversial work in ArabicCommentary in Arabic on the beg. of כי תזריע (Lev. xii. 2-4)Fragment of a sermon or treatise, in Arabic, on retributionBiblical verses, followed by liturgical poems[22 more parts]
- Contents:
- Fragments of Lev.16,26 to 19,10Fragment of Ester 5,4 to 6,14Notes on Midrash RabbahFragment of הלכות גזילהFragment of responsaLiturgy; TargumThe מרשד R. TanḥumFragment of a Hebrew translation of Bernard Gordon's Lilium MedicinaeBusiness letters in Arabic
- Contents:
- Deut. 2,33 to 3,18Haftaroth with Targum after each verseMidrash SamuelIbn Ezra's commentary on Num. 14,22 (שהוא לעתיד) to 15,16Fragment of a homiletical commentary on 2 Kings 3,26 to 5,5Grammatical fragment in Arabic on Hiphil and HithpaelCommentary on Babylonian Talmud ברכות fols. 58b end, to 60aBabylonian Talmud ביצה fol. 22, line 8 from below, to fol. 23a endSmall fragment of an Arabic commentary on Babylonian Talmud בבא מציעא fol. 38b מורידין קרוב לנכסיוIntroduction to an Arabic treatise on phylacteries by Moses b. Joseph of Cordova[27 more parts]
- Contents:
- Alfasi הלכות ציצית, parts of fols. 86a to 87aHalakhoth or commentary on יבמות, the beg. of chapter xArabic letter; Halakha on GittinMidrash Tanḥuma, end of פר̇ תבא and beg. of נצביםHeaded לך לך, fragment of a homily on that parasha, from Gen. 15,4 to 15,18Fragment of a theological treatise in ArabicFragment of an Arabic commentary on Lev. 25, in connection with Mishnah B. Mezia iv. 10 and v. 1Fragment of D. Qimḥi's commentary on 1 Chron. 4,3-17Fragment of an Arabic responsum (?)Legal document[18 more parts]
- Contents:
- Lev. 1,12-17Lev.13,6-18, 21,7-24Isaiah 56,2 - 57,6Saadia's Arabic version of Exod. 28,36 – 29,17; 29,18-46; 32,6-27; 32,31 - 33,16Commentaries on GenesisRashi's commentary on Gen. 42,14 – 43,8, (fol. 13) 43,19 – 44,19, (fol. 15) 45,1 – 46,7HaggadahArabic commentary on Num. 31,3-8Arabic commentary on Hos. 7,13 – 9,15Commentary on the end of Ps. 90 to nearly the end of Ps. 91[34 more parts]
- Contents:
- Fragment of a scroll containing parts of Exod. 8,24 to 9,16Exod. 28,30 to 29,13Deut. 32,6-36Small fragment of midrash on Gen. 15,6Biblical fragmentsLiturgicalFragment of a mystical treatiseArabic letterLetter; NotesFragment of a letter[8 more parts]
- Contents:
- Commentary on Genesis by Samuel (nagid) b. David b. SolomonCommentary on Prov. 6,19 to 8,14 by Joseph b. NaḥmiashRashi's commentary on Babylonian Talmud Baba M. fol. 102b (אסתירא הכי א̇ל̇ מאה פרוטות) to fol. 106 (ואני לא בקשתי)Commentary on Babylonian Talmud Kethubhoth fols. 87-88bFor י̇הכ̇. From a German MazhorA small fragment of MidrashExtract from Midrash, Other writing exercisesPart of a collection of poems
- Contents:
- Biblical fragments.
- Contents:
- Gen. 18,11 to 19,9Gen. 21,18 to 23,10 and (fol. 4) 24,14-42Rashi's commentary on Gen. 31,30-49, but with additionsNum. 20,14 to 21,9Ezek. 1,12 to 10,7Psalms 147,12 to 149,9Job 6,14 to 7,10 and (fol. 17) 13,7 to 14,15Lam. 1,21 to the end of the book, followed (fol. 22v) by Esther 1,1 to 2,22LiturgicalArabic treatise on degrees of relationship[15 more parts]
- Contents:
- Lev. 11,46 - 13,49Lev. 25,21 - 26,2Num. 2,15-29; 4,13-22, with Saadia's Arabic version after each verseDeut. 32,43 - 33,9 in Saadia's Arabic versionCommentary in Arabic on Lev. 27,26-27Parts of 3 homilies (?) in ArabicFragment of liturgy, perhaps only a writing exercisescribbling, headed נקל הדא אלרשות מן נסכה̇ גיר מחררה תחרר, etc.Fragment of a Siddurסליחות[6 more parts]
- Contents:
- Casuistical treatise by Haya Gaon, Responsa on the י̇ט̇ שניFrom Qirqisani's כתאב אלאנוארFragment of a treatise on גט, in ArabicFragment of a treatise on logic and grammar (?)Alfasi on מועד קטןA fragment of responsaFragment of a sermon (?) in ArabicFragment of the Midrash Thanhuma or Yelamdenu
- Contents:
- Fragment of a philosophical commentary in Arabic on Ecclesiastes
- Contents:
- Fragment of Seadiah Gaon's SiddurEnd of a קינה, and beginning of anotherLiturgicalFor פוריםFor שמיני עצרתPart of an עבודהOne leaf of a prayer-book in ArabicFor the ninth of AbSome ritual rulesFragment of hymns, palimpsestFor שבועותIntroduction to סליחותFragment of a treatise on the calendar (?)
- Contents:
- Seadiah Gaon's Arabic translation of Genesis i and ii
- Contents:
- Seadiah's translation of Proverbs xxii. 10 to xxviii. 12Arabic commentary on Genesis iv and viLiturgy for נחA fragment of a controversial treatise in ArabicFragments of philosophical treatises in ArabicEntriesNamesThe last lines of a deedA marriage contract
- Contents:
- LiturgicalסליחותSmall pieces for פסחImprecationsFragment of common prayers after סליחותEnd of a prayer, followed by הבדלה
- Contents:
- הושענאOther fragments for ש̇ע̇For שבועותLiturgicalאזהרות[יוצרות]שקלים[יוצר משפטים (?)]Fragment of a סידור[15 more parts]
- Contents:
- Introductory prayersסליחותLiturgicalFor פוריםOn the first chapter of GenesisFragments of סליחותיוצרותיוצרLiturgy for the Day of Atonement[11 more parts]
- Contents:
- Liturgicalיוצרות
- Contents:
- מחזור. Prayer-book, Sepharadic rite
- Contents:
- For שמחת תורהFor ר̇ה̇Liturgical[יוצר for חקת][יוצר]Various liturgical pieces[יוצר to וישמע יתרו]מעמד חג השבועותFor י̇הכ̇For שבועות[22 more parts]
- Contents:
- סליחות[יוצרות]Short strophes to be recited before or after סליחותFor ר̇ה̇LiturgicalHymns for שבתArabic translation of prayers, beg. with ישתבח[6 more parts]
- Contents:
- GenesisExodusLeviticus vi. 3 (על בשרו) to xiv. 13 (האשם הוא)DeuteronomyHaftaroth with the Targum after each verseBiblical1 Samuel1 Samuel xxx. 22 to 2 Samuel iv. 5 (משכב)2 Chronicles xi. 3 (רחבעם) to 22[8 more parts]
- Contents:
- Headed פירושין סדר מועד. Arabic translation and explanation of difficult words in the MishnahArabic commentary on Exodus xix. 16 to xx. 1BiblicalMasoretic fragmentFragment of an astrological treatiseMystical rulesAn Arabic letter or sermonMishnah ביצהMishnah אבותArabic vocabulary for Genesis[24 more parts]
- Contents:
- Part of a controversial treatise, in Arabic, on the differences between Rabbanites and KaraitesLists of the Pentateuch lessonsThe lessons for week-daysLiturgical fragmentMasoretic fragmentRhymed proseAn Arabic sermonA treatise on אביבSome philosophical treatiseAn Arabic history of the Kings according to the book of Kings[18 more parts]
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- Fragments of Halakhah in Arabic
- Contents:
- Maimonides' ה̇ שחיטה with an Arabic commentaryRashi's commentary on GenesisAn Arabic sermon on סוכותAn Agadic commentary or a Midrash on RuthMasorah on the Targum of OnqelosFragment of a comparative grammar of Hebrew and Arabic, in Arabic
- Contents:
- Arabic translation of ExodusA fragment of an Arabic commentary or a homily on HaftarothSeadiah's Arabic translation of DeuteronomyArabic commentary on Numbers xxiii. 10
- Contents:
- Casuistical treatise in ArabicThe text of 1 Samuel xxiii. 11 (כאשר) to xxvi. 6 (לאמר)Text of Jeremiah l. 11 (ותצהלי) to verse 44 (מעליה)סליחותוידוי attributed to R. NissimHeaded ודוי חטאנו לערבית לכפורText of PsalmsLiturgiesLiturgies for the seventh day of Pesah, headed מעמד ויושע
- Contents:
- Babylonian Talmud סוכה
- Contents:
- Liturgies (פזמון)LiturgyFragments of liturgiesA few lines of Seadiah ’s siddurVarious short liturgical pieces for ש̇ע̇LiturgiesLiturgicalThe end of אזהרותFragment of a liturgy for פסחThe ritual for פסח night[6 more parts]
- Contents:
- Fragment of a מכילתא , perhaps of R. Simeon ben Yoḥai[מדרש חסר ויתיר?]LiturgicalAn Arabic fragment on alchemyA fragment of a Halakhic treatise in Arabic concerning civil lawA fragment of a book of precepts (?)A fragment of an Arabic prayer-bookArabic vocabulary of expressions used in Halakhic mattersAn Arabic fragment on Halakhah concerning civil law[9 more parts]
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- כתאב אלשטרות, formulae of legal documents, by Hai Gaon ben Sherira GaonUntitled work or fragmentMagic; book of EnochקינותFragment of an Arabic translation of Esther, with commentary
- Contents:
- Arabic translation of Seadiah's liturgiesLiturgical piecesLiturgical fragmentLiturgicalקינות קילו על רבנו אבא מארי ז̇ק̇ל̇Fragments of עבודהLamentations for the 9th of Ab[14 more parts]
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- HymnsArabic translation of prayers with commentaryLiturgicalאזהרותOn the story of Joseph[6 more parts]
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- LiturgicalA liturgical pieceסליחותFor י̇הכ̇[11 more parts]
- Contents:
- Arabic translation of Hosea, with short commentary, chaps. vi. 11 to viii. 1Fragment of an Arabic work on repentance (?), based on the biblical account of Adam and CainHeaded הדא כתא[ב אלמו]ארית והו יגמע כת̇ אלפ... כולה ממא ידכר רב סעדיה בר יוסף ראש הישיבה שר כל ישראל רוח יי תניחנוFragment of a treatise in Arabic on the 613 preceptsFragment of a commentary, in Arabic, on Babylonian Talmud בבא בתרא, fol. 116bהלכות נשואין in Arabic, chap. iii. (beg. missing) to chap. v, incompleteFragment of a Halakhic treatise, in Arabic, on clean and unclean meats (Leviticus xi)Liturgical pieces for ר̇ה̇Haftaroth, with Targum after each verseLiturgical[29 more parts]
- Contents:
- Fragment of a book of formulae for lettersPart of a commentary, in Arabic, on DeuteronomyFragment of a theological work (or commentary ?), in ArabicFragment of a commentary, in Arabic, on Jeremiah xvii. 22, 23Commentary, in Arabic, on ExodusCommentary, in Arabic, on Leviticus xvii. 4 to 14Philosophical work, in Arabic, on שיר השיריםMagical recipesPoemsCommentary, in Arabic, on difficult passages in Babylonian Talmud שבת[37 more parts]
- Contents:
- Biblical, translation and commentaryFragment of ritual treatise in ArabicMidrash ש̇הש̇ rabbaExtracts from MidrashFragment of הלכות עגונא in ArabicLiturgical piecesHeaded רסאלה כתב בהא עמר בן בחר אלגאחט̇ למחמד אבן אלזיאת פי אכתלאף עלל אלנאס פי טבאיעהם ואכלאקהם נפע אללה בהא צאחבהא ואלנאט̇ר פי מעאכהאFragment of a commentary in Arabic on Numbers xiv. 15-18Fragment of an ethical work in Arabic[18 more parts]
- Contents:
- PoemIntroduction to a grammatical work, in Arabicפרקי דר̇ אלעזרCommentary, in Arabic, on ExodusFragment of הלכות יבום וחליצהFragments of a ספר המצות, in ArabicHistorical fragment, in ArabicMagical fragment, in ArabicLiturgical pieces[30 more parts]