The commentary of Baḥya b. Asher on Gen. 18,8-21
Commentary on Exod. 22,25 to 23,9
Naḥmanides' commentary on Deut. 8,17 to 10,12
Homilies by Joshua b. Shuʿaib
Fragment of the Zohar, פ' משפטים
Maimonides' Mishneh Torah
Fragment of the מגיד משנה, a commentary by Vidal di Tolosa on Maimonides' Mishneh Torah
Fragment of the ס' תולדות אדם וחוה of Yeruḥam b. Meshullam
Fragment of the ס' מישרים of Yeruḥam b. Meshullam
Fragment of the מגן אבות of Simeon Duran
Fragments of an ethical work
Mystical commentary on Canticle 3,5-8
Fragment of a mystical treatise, in Arabic, on angels, jinn, stars, Solomon
Arabic commentary on Exodus xix. 16 to xx. 1