MS. Canonici Or. 1
Oriental Manuscripts Canonici Oriental Collection
Sidur according to the Ashkenazi rite (Würzburg Siddur)
Commentaries in the margins
The name Aaron is pointed out on fol. 41r, the word naḳdan is added in the margin probably by the vocalizer with a very thin quill.
On fols. 91v-92v the scribe copied (with many errors due to misreading) a calendar starting with the year [50]64, being the sixth year of the cycle 264 (should be the tenth year of cycle 267) and concluding with the last year of the cycle.
The Sidur contains the Amidah prayers for Rosh ha-Shanah and Yom Kippur (fols. 1v-24r); hoshanot and piyyutim for Śimḥat Torah (fols. 24v-41v); maaravim (fols. 41v-48v, 57r-80v); and Aramaic piyyutim for the Ten Commandments and for the seventh day of Passover (fols. 106r-131v)
Additional texts: uncomplete Haggadah (fols. 49r-56v), calendar with halakhot and seder ha-ḳeriah (order of the reading of biblical sections) for Sabbaths and festivals (fols. 81r-93v)
"חסדאי בר פנחס הלוי" ו"אברהם בר יועץ" בשטר מ"שנת חמשת אלפים ושבע עשרה ... במדינת וירצבורק" (96ב), "במתא ליוא" (99א), "מרת יינטיל בת ר’ ששון ור’ יאיר בר מנשה בעלה" (101ב),
Physical Description
Pricking is often visible, parchment is low quality, numerous holes.
Main text in Ashkenazi semi-cursive script, punctuated (up to fol. 80v); commentaries and dinim in smaller Ashkenazi semi-cursive script.
The marginal columns on fols.65v-66v by a different hand.
Inhabited initial words (fols. 1v, 14r, 50r); inhabited border (fol. 1v), decorated initial word (fol. 36r), carmina figurata (fols. 52v-55r)
Brown leather binding, gold-tooled.
Provenance and Acquisition
Ownership inscriptions: "יהודא ליב בן לא"א כהר"ר ישעי’ יצ"ו" (twice on fol. 28v)
Matteo Luigi Canonici's (1727-1805) collections passed to his brother Giuseppe, and on his death in 1807 to Giovanni Perissinotti and Girolamo Cardina, who divided them. To the former fell the MSS., then about 3550 in number, and, after many attempts to sell them, the Bodleian became the purchaser of the greater part in 1817, for £5444 5s. 1d., or including incidental expenses about £6030, the largest single purchase ever made by the Library. The formal list of volumes handed over was signed on May 18, 1817, and the books probably arrived later that year.
Record Sources
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