MS. Canonici Or. 60
Oriental Manuscripts Canonici Oriental Collection
Commentary on the Writings by Rashi
End is missing.
Physical Description
Two columns; flesh and hair side are distinguishable, ruling is often visible.
Italian semi-cursive script.
Last quire (fols. 61r-70v) except for the first 9 lines, is written by another hand.
Light brown leather binding, blind-tooled, marble paper pastedowns
Provenance and Acquisition
Ownership inscriptions on fol. 1r: ...זה הפירוש שלי ראובן ... בר שבתי "זה הוא מהספרים שכתבו לי יוסף כהן בכאמ"ר שלמה" ; "זה פירוש שלי אברהם בכר יוסף כהן ישר"ו" ; רʹ שבתי בר ראובן ... זמן טו ימים "לחלקי משה כהן בכ"ר אברהם כהן ... ר"ז" ; ownership inscription on fol. 2r: "הגיע לחלק כמ’ יואב בחלקו עם אחיו ר’ מנחם של"ד"
Matteo Luigi Canonici's (1727-1805) collections passed to his brother Giuseppe, and on his death in 1807 to Giovanni Perissinotti and Girolamo Cardina, who divided them. To the former fell the MSS., then about 3550 in number, and, after many attempts to sell them, the Bodleian became the purchaser of the greater part in 1817, for £5444 5s. 1d., or including incidental expenses about £6030, the largest single purchase ever made by the Library. The formal list of volumes handed over was signed on May 18, 1817, and the books probably arrived later that year.
Record Sources
Entry to read in the Library is permitted only on presentation of a valid reader's card (for admissions procedures contact Bodleian Admissions). Contact for further information on the availability of this manuscript.