MS. Laud Or. 114
Oriental Manuscripts Laud Oriental Collection
Homilies on different subjects ( דרוש תשובה, מעלת התורה, על עון ומעשה, על הנבואה, על בפלאים, על מעלת ישראל ). Title(of the first half of the work?) at the beginning of the MS: יסורי הצדיקים והחסידים והתמימים והישרים . The author quotes the commentary of אלשך . Frequent marginal notes, where הרב לוניאדו and הרב אוזיאדה are quoted. The homilies are followed by blank leaves and different notes on biblical passages and midrashim, where רשʹ לונייאדו and כלי חמדה the book are quoted. At the end an index for the biblical passages explained in the homilies.
Physical Description
Ashkenazi cursive script
Not decorated.
Light brown leather binding, blind tooled.
Provenance and Acquisition
Hebrew and latin inscriptions older flyleaf (fol. (i)r-v). Ownership note on fol. 1r: "Liber Guilielmi Laud Archiepi[scopi] Cantaur[iensis] et Cancellarii Universitatis Oxon[iensis] 1635." Latin title on fol. 1r: "Fundamenta Iustorum". Hebrew ownership notes on fol. 275v.
Donated to the Library by Archbishop William Laud (see Summary Catalogue, vol.II, part 1, pp.13-14).
Record Sources
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