MS. Laud Or. 174
Oriental Manuscripts Laud Oriental Collection
Ketuvim (Tehilim)
Psalter divided into 131 chapters; Ps. 33 begins with הודו ; Ps. 34=ch. 35, 34 omitted; Ps. 113=ch. 114; Ps. 135=ch. 116, 115 omitted.
The first word of each chapter is translated into Latin in the margin.
Ff. 59-61r are blank, on fol. 61v erased but still visible Latin notes, on fol. 62r guide to numerical value of Hebrew characters, and a drawing of a lion.
Physical Description
Ashkenazi square script
Decorated initial words, chapter numbers.
Latin marginal notes.
Leather, half and marble paper.
Provenance and Acquisition
Belonged to the library of the monastery of St. Edmundbury as owner's inscription proves: "Hoc psalteriu[m] ebraycu[m] est de bibliotheca ven[er]abilis monasterii Sancti Eadmundi acomodatu[m] fratri Ricardo Bryngkelei ordinis minorum sacreque theologie humilissimo professori 1502 ". Owner's inscription on fol. 1v: "Liber Guilielmi Laud Archiepi[scopi] Cantuar[iensis] et Cancellarii Universitatis Oxon[iensis] 1633"
Donated to the Library by Archbishop William Laud (see Summary Catalogue, vol.II, part 1, pp.13-14).
Record Sources
Entry to read in the Library is permitted only on presentation of a valid reader's card (for admissions procedures contact Bodleian Admissions). Contact for further information on the availability of this manuscript.