MS. Laud Or. 282
Oriental Manuscripts Laud Oriental Collection
Libro di Magiḳah ḳi ḳonpos
Treatise on magic in Ladino, title and author is mentioned at the end of the book, on fol. 416v.
According to I. González Llubera (see Romance Philology) Juan Gil is the name of a previous scribe, but G. Beaujouan (see Revista da Universidade de Coímbra) maintaines that he was the author.
Marginal notes sometimes folded.
Fols. 228, 229, 130a are blank.
Physical Description
Sephardi semi-cursive scripts.
The beginning (fols. 1-84) is copied by a different hand, on 6-sheet quires of different paper; the continuation (fols. 85-416) is copied on quires of 5 sheets.
Not decorated.
Brown leather binding, blind-tooled, with the gold-tooled coat of arms of Archbisop Laud in the middle; holes for straps.Fragments of a Latin MS are pasted onto the inner covers.
Provenance and Acquisition
Ownership inscriptions: "Joannes Dee 1562 January 8. Louanii emit"; "Liber Guilielmi Laud Archiepi[scopi] Cantuari[iensis] et Cancellarii Universitatis Oxon[iensis] 1633" (fol.1r); Description of the content in English by Archbishop Laud (?) mentioning John Dee (fol. v r)
Donated to the Library by Archbishop William Laud (see Summary Catalogue, vol.II, part 1, pp.13-14).
Record Sources
Entry to read in the Library is permitted only on presentation of a valid reader's card (for admissions procedures contact Bodleian Admissions). Contact for further information on the availability of this manuscript.