MS. Michael 384
Oriental Manuscripts Michael Collection
Rashi's Torah commentary
Physical Description
Text in two columns.
Sephardi semi-cursive script.
Full-page image of menorah and Temple implements (fol. 73v); full-page picture of the Tabernacle (fol. 142v).
Decorated catchwords.
Light brown leather binding.
Provenance and Acquisition
Owners' inscriptions: Neḥamah, daughter of R. Shlomoh ha-menagen, widow of R. Shmuel ben Mosheh of Candia sold this commentary to Zilah, daughter of Yeḳutiel, widow of Menaḥem for 3 dukats on 8 Av 5224 (13 July 1464) at Fano ( "נחמה בת ר’ שלמה המנגן ישר"ו אלמנת כמ"ר שמואל בר משה מקנדיאה" מכרה ל"מרת צילה בת כמ"ר יקותיאל ז"ל אלמנת כמ"ר מנחם ז"ל" בשנת רכ"ד ) (fol. 141v); Yeḥiel ben Mordekhai ha-Kohen sold it to Moshe ben Nataniel of Norzi on 13 Kislev 273 (25 November 1513) ( "יחיאל בן מרדכי כהן" מכר את כה"י ל"משה יזיי"א בכמ"ר נתנאל מנורצי" (fol. 141v). Censors' signatures: "visto per me Gio do[mi]nico Carretto 1617" (fol. 141r); "Dominico Irosolomi[ta]no 1597" (fol. 141v)
It belonged to the library of Heimann Joseph Michael (1792-1846), which was purchased en bloc (altogether 862 volumes) by the Bodleian Library in 1848 through Messrs. Asher and Co. for £1030.
Record Sources
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