Hebrew and Judaica Manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries, Oxford University

MS. Pococke 98

Oriental Manuscripts Pococke Collection


Mishneh Torah (Sefer Nashim) by Maimonides

ff. 1r-183v
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204משה בן מימון, Mishneh Torah (Sefer Nashim) משנה תורה בערבית (ספר נשים)

Volume 1 of a 2-volume set, for volume 2 see MS. Poc. 106.

Colophon: Colophon at the end of volume one, on fol. 183v: "נג’זת הדה אלנסכה ... שהר טבת שנת א’תרמ"ד לשטרות ... כאתבה ... עבד אלעזיז ב"ר תאבח אלמעלם" .
Language(s): Arabic

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: paper
Extent: ff. 183


Oriental semi-cursive script.


Origin: [Iraq?]; 1332/1333

Provenance and Acquisition

Ownership inscriptions: "אבועלי אבן מוסאן הלוי", "קנה ... טאהר בר אלעזר אלסאכן במדנה עאנה מן ... אבו עלי אבן מוסאן הכהין ומן הארון אלחרבאוי הכוהין במבליג סתין דרהם פי אדר שנת א’תרס"ב" (fol. XXX).

Edward Pococke's collection of oriental MSS (mostly Armenian, Hebrew and Arabic) was purchased by the Library for £800 in 1692 (see Summary Catalogue, vol. II, p. 1008).

Record Sources

Manuscript description based on Catalogue of the Hebrew Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, vol. I, by Adolf Neubauer, Oxford 1886, No. 614, Catalogue of the Hebrew manuscripts in the Bodleian Library; Supplement of Addenda and Corrigenda to Vol. I, No. 614, and on the data of the Institute of Microfilmed Hebrew Manuscripts, National Library of Israel with additional enhancements by the cataloguer.


Entry to read in the Library is permitted only on presentation of a valid reader's card (for admissions procedures contact Bodleian Admissions). Contact specialcollections.enquiries@bodleian.ox.ac.uk for further information on the availability of this manuscript.

Digital Images

Digital Bodleian (full digital facsimile)


MSS R.R. Film No. F 20204


    Neubauer, Adolf, Catalogue of the Hebrew Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library (Oxford, 1886), no. 614.
    Beit-Arié, Malachi and R.A. May (eds), Catalogue of the Hebrew manuscripts in the Bodleian Library; Supplement of Addenda and Corrigenda to Vol. I (A. Neubauer’s Catalogue) (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994), no. 614.