MS. Pococke 98
Oriental Manuscripts Pococke Collection
Mishneh Torah (Sefer Nashim) by Maimonides
Volume 1 of a 2-volume set, for volume 2 see MS. Poc. 106.
Physical Description
Oriental semi-cursive script.
Provenance and Acquisition
Ownership inscriptions: "אבועלי אבן מוסאן הלוי", "קנה ... טאהר בר אלעזר אלסאכן במדנה עאנה מן ... אבו עלי אבן מוסאן הכהין ומן הארון אלחרבאוי הכוהין במבליג סתין דרהם פי אדר שנת א’תרס"ב" (fol. XXX).
Edward Pococke's collection of oriental MSS (mostly Armenian, Hebrew and Arabic) was purchased by the Library for £800 in 1692 (see Summary Catalogue, vol. II, p. 1008).
Record Sources
Entry to read in the Library is permitted only on presentation of a valid reader's card (for admissions procedures contact Bodleian Admissions). Contact for further information on the availability of this manuscript.