MS. Bodley Or. 574
Oriental Manuscripts Bodley Oriental
Zohar on Genesis-Exodus
ff. 1r-370v
Zohar on Genesis-Exodus זהר (ספר בראשית-שמות) With Midrash ha-neʿelam, Heikhalot, Tosefta, and sections for the Zohar Ḥadash.
Language(s): Aramaic
Physical Description
Form: codex
Support: paper (watermarks are similar to Briquet no. 518 dated 1545)
Extent: ff. 370
Dimensions (leaf): × mm.
Foliation: Foliation in Arabic numerals
Sephardi semi-cursive script.
Origin: [North Africa]; [mid-16th century]
Record Sources
Manuscript description based on Catalogue of the Hebrew Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, vol. I, by Adolf Neubauer, Oxford 1886, No. 1564, Catalogue of the Hebrew manuscripts in the Bodleian Library; Supplement of Addenda and Corrigenda to Vol. I, No. 1564, and on the data of the Institute of Microfilmed Hebrew Manuscripts, National Library of Israel with additional enhancements by the cataloguer.
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Neubauer, Adolf, Catalogue of the Hebrew Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library (Oxford, 1886), no. 1564.
Beit-Arié, Malachi and R.A. May (eds), Catalogue of the Hebrew manuscripts in the Bodleian Library; Supplement of Addenda and Corrigenda to Vol. I (A. Neubauer’s Catalogue) (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994), no. 1564.