Hebrew and Judaica Manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries, Oxford University

MS. Heb. d. 81

Physical Description

Ff. 49.


Provenance and Acquisition

Fols. 1-48 given in 1910 by A. Cowley. From the Genizah.

Fol. 49 found in MS. Opp. 387.

MS. Heb. d. 81/1


Fols. 1-6
Lev. 11,46 - 13,49

with vowel points and accents.

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. squ. char.; paper, 7 7/8 x 6 5/8 in., 2 coll., 18 lines; much injured.
Fol. 6 is only part of one column.


Provenance and Acquisition

Given in 1910 by A. Cowley. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 81/2


Fols. 7-9
Lev. 25,21 - 26,2 (the end of the parasha) with vowel points and accents. At the end נ̇ז̇ סימ then a blank space.
Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. squ. char.; paper, 8 1/8 x 5 1/2 in., 16 lines; injured and stained.


Provenance and Acquisition

Given in 1910 by A. Cowley. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 81/3


Fols. 10, 11
Num. 2,15-29; 4,13-22, with Saadia's Arabic version after each verse.

At 4,21 the beg. of the parasha is indicated in the margin.

Language(s): Hebrew, Judeo-Arabic

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; paper, 8 3/8 x 5 3/4 in., 20 lines, stained.


Provenance and Acquisition

Given in 1910 by A. Cowley. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 81/4


Fols. 12, 13
Deut. 32,43 - 33,9 in Saadia's Arabic version.

Fol. 12 is blank.

Language(s): Judeo-Arabic

Physical Description

Syr. squ. char.; paper, 8 1/2 x 6 3/4 in., 19 lines; injured.


Provenance and Acquisition

Given in 1910 by A. Cowley. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 81/5


Fols. 14, 15
Commentary in Arabic on Lev. 27,26-27.

The translation followed is not Saadia's.

End (on 27,27) ואם. ואן כאן מן אלבהימה אלטמיה פליֻפך באלקימה ויזיד כמסה עליה ואן כאן לא יֻפך פיבאע באלקימה. קאל אך ליֻכץ מא יקולה ממא קאלה ודלך אנה קאל פי מא תקדם ואיש כי יקדיש. וקאל ואם משדה אחוזתו יק̇ וקאל אם משנת היובל יקדיש. ואם אחר היובל יקדיש ואם את שדה מקנ̇ יק̇. ולמא כאן אלב[כור] קדש פי אלאצל קאל פיה לא יקדיש איש את

No authorities quoted.

Language(s): Judeo-Arabic

Physical Description

Syr. squ. char.; paper, 7 7/8 x 5 1/2 in., 26 lines; injured and stained.


Provenance and Acquisition

Given in 1910 by A. Cowley. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 81/6


Fols. 16, 17
Parts of 3 homilies (?) in Arabic
Language(s): Judeo-Arabic
1. Fol. 16
On ברכות

beg. missing.

2. Fol. 16b
headed פצל פי אלתפלין

beg. קולה תע̇ והיה לך לאות על ידך ... פי אלתפסיר אלמרוי ען אלסיד אלרסול ע̇אל̇ אן מענאה אן תכון ארבע פרשיות מן אלתורה והי קדש לי וכֿוֿלֿ וה'. (The leaf ends here).


Fol. 17 is not continuous. It deals with ציצית. Beg. and end missing. No authorities are named, but the author refers to אלנאקלין ז̇ל̇.

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; paper, 8 3/4 x 5 5/8 in., 19 lines; injured and stained.


Provenance and Acquisition

Given in 1910 by A. Cowley. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 81/7


Fol. 18
Fragment of liturgy, perhaps only a writing exercise.

At the end וכתב יוסף בר שלמו ז̇ל̇ At the side יא מולאי אלשיך ב....

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; paper (torn).


Provenance and Acquisition

Given in 1910 by A. Cowley. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 81/8


Fols. 19-22

On fols. 19r, 20v, 21r, 22v are some words in Arabic naskhi, written vertically before the present texts.

Language(s): Hebrew, Judeo-Arabic, Arabic
Fol. 19r
fol. 19v
headed נקל הדא אלרשות מן נסכה̇ גיר מחררה תחרר

beg. מרשות יחידאה דגלי עמיקן ומסתרן;

below a § beg. לך אלה אהבתי מהודין ומשבחין שפותי על דאית רעיתא לסעדא לי ....

Fol. 20r
Midrashic extract

beg. תנו רבנן שלשה הטעימו ה̇ק̇ב̇ה̇ בעולם הזה מעין העולם הבא ....

Below is a list of the sons of David.

Fol. 20v
headed טוב שם משמן טוב, a homily on it

beg. ... אלחכים עלי אכתסאב אלאסם אלטייב ואלדכר אלג̇מיל ותחתה כל פעל מרצ̇י ואנה אפצ̇ל אלמכתסבאת ומצאחב ....

Fol. 21
headed דראש צנפתה ללאבלים

beg. כת̇ כי גם לא ידע האדם את עתו ... תנן ואלו דברים שאבל אסור בהן אסור במלאכה וברחיצה ... (cf. אבל רבתי vi).

On fol. 22r (continuation ?) ר̇ מרואן בן גנאח is quoted and grammat. explanations are given, the last being instances of כי as in כי עשית זאת on fol. 22r; then a heading מאורות לר̇ אברהם בן עזרא ז̇ל̇... beg. אלהי בגלותי בך אחסה ..., acr. אברם. Below is some scribbling.

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. or curs. char.; paper, 8 x 5 in., 29 lines; injured.


Provenance and Acquisition

Given in 1910 by A. Cowley. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 81/9


Fol. 23
Fragment of a Siddur

beg. בנועם שתי תורות ... ישקני מנשיקות. ... מנשיקות המקרא והמשנה,

ending with מגן beg. אברהם מעשיו אזכור.

Text with vowel points.

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. squ. char.; paper, 8 1/2 x 5 3/4 in., about 15 lines; injured.


Provenance and Acquisition

Given in 1910 by A. Cowley. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 81/10


Fols. 24, 25

Mostly with vowel points.

Language(s): Hebrew

The first is numbered ג and beg. אזל הזמן ולא נעור, (א̇ב̇).

Then follows אל מלך (another hand has added לאל דמעתי), beg. מוחל וסולח ... אֿל מסתתר ומכל עין נעלם ..., (א̇ב̇), incomplete.

Fol. 25r the end of a piece, obliterated. The next אל מלך לאל דמעתי beg. אלהי אליך הושיבה זערתך.

Fol. 25v (אל מלך לשופט כל הא̇) beg. יתחמץ לבבי וכליותי אשתונו, one line only.

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; paper, 8 1/4 x 5 7/8 in., about 17 lines; injured and stained.
Fol. 25r mostly illegible.


Provenance and Acquisition

Given in 1910 by A. Cowley. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 81/11


Fols. 26, 27
Alfasi Kethuboth
Language(s): Hebrew
Fol. 26
Alfasi Kethuboth ed. Bomberg fol. 475a line 2 (לבהדי תרי) to 475b line 14 (כתוב שביום).

Then a lacuna of 6 leaves in the MS.

Fol. 27
ed. fol. 481a line 1 (מאי טעמ̇) to 482a line 19 (ועד שתבגור).

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; paper, 8 1/4 x 6 1/4 in., 18 lines; injured and stained.


Provenance and Acquisition

Given in 1910 by A. Cowley. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 81/12


Fols. 28-35
Maimonides Mishne Torah ה' ברכות viii.5 (המתוקים) to x.11 (אלף).
Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

A correction by another hand on the margin of fol. 35v.
Syr. Rabb. char.; paper, 9 x 6 in., 22 lines; injured and stained. Parts of fols. 28 and 35 are torn off.


Provenance and Acquisition

Given in 1910 by A. Cowley. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 81/13


Fols. 36-43
Maimonides Mishne Torah ה' מלוה ולוה xvii.6 to xxi.1 (המשועבדין).
Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Corrections in the margins.
Syr. Rabb. char.; paper, 8 1/4 x 5 3/4 in., 19 lines; injured.


Provenance and Acquisition

Given in 1910 by A. Cowley. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 81/14


Fols. 44-46
Fragment of a (controversial ?) treatise in Arabic on the calendar and its relation to the liturgy.

On fol. 46v beg. אלפצל אלכאמס.

Language(s): Judeo-Arabic

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; paper, 7 3/4 x 5 3/8 in., 24 lines; injured, discoloured and difficult to read.


Provenance and Acquisition

Given in 1910 by A. Cowley. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 81/15


Fols. 47, 48
Fragment of a work on the calendar.

At the end are some lines rhyming in –קי, beg. א[קר]א לקול קורא קריאת חקוקי, (א̇ב̇).

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; paper, 8 3/8 x 6 1/2 in., about 21 lines; much injured, stained and partly illegible.


Provenance and Acquisition

Given in 1910 by A. Cowley. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 81/16


Fol. 49
Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Germ. Rabb. char.; paper.


Provenance and Acquisition

Leaf found in MS. Opp. 387.

Additional Information

Record Sources

Manuscript description based on typewritten catalogue in the Bodleian Library, fols. 33-35.


Entry to read in the Library is permitted only on presentation of a valid reader's card (for admissions procedures contact Bodleian Admissions). Contact specialcollections.enquiries@bodleian.ox.ac.uk for further information on the availability of this manuscript

Catalogue Images

Fragment Images

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