Hebrew and Judaica Manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries, Oxford University

MS. Heb. c. 23

Physical Description

Ff. 58.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought from Wertheimer, 1893 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 23/1


Fol. 1
Mishnah פאה

iii. 7 (6)(ר̇ עקיבה) to viii. 7 (סעודות ומי שיש); omissions supplied on the margin; some vowel points and accents.

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; fol., vellum.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought from Wertheimer, 1893 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 23/2



With many vowel points.

Language(s): Hebrew

(fol. 3) עירובין, from the beginning to iv. 6 (שלחבירו)


(fol. 6) שבת, from xviii. 2 (מדדה) to end

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; oblong, vellum.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought from Wertheimer, 1893 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 23/3


Fol. 9
Mishnah סוכה

iv. 4, beg. missing, to v. 5, with some Gemara: perhaps Alfasi ?

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. squ. Rabb. char.; large fol., vellum, injured and stained.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought from Wertheimer, 1893 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 23/4


Fol. 10
Babylonian Talmud חולין fol. 37, line 7 from below (מבעיא) to fol. 38b, l. 3 from below (עובד)
Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. squ. Rabb. char.; large fol., vellum.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought from Wertheimer, 1893 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 23/5


Babylonian Talmud בבא קמא

Corrections between the lines, and on the margins.

Language(s): Hebrew

(fol. 11), fol. 79b, l. 3 (אמ̇ר̇ אלעזר) to fol. 80, l. 24 (יד על יד)


(fol. 12), fol. 84, l. 12 from below (לה אדם מאדם) to fol. 85b, l. 3 (אמר אמר)


(fol. 14), fol. 90b, l. 15 (איבעיא להו) to fol. 81, l. 28 (שאמדוהו)

Physical Description

Syr. squ. char.; fol., vellum.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought from Wertheimer, 1893 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 23/6


Fol. 15

from והשאר יהא קמח (ed. Weiss, fol. 10, col. 2, l. 3, MS. פרק א̇) to מנחה אחרת (ed. fol. 11, col. 3, l. 8, MS. פרק ב), with different division from the edition.

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. squ. char.; fol., vellum, obliterated.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought from Wertheimer, 1893 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 23/7


Fol. 17
A responsum, concerning a question of inheritance


Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Span. curs. char.; fol., vellum, much obliterated.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought from Wertheimer, 1893 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 23/8


Fol. 19
Commentary on Babylonian Talmud בבא בתרא fol. 20b

Specimen for identification: מלח סלקונטית ומלח סודמית נקרא המלח על שם המקום סדום סודמית כול̇ ושאר השמועה פשוט̇ היא. מתני̇. מרחיקין את הריחים.

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Old Syr. squ. char.; fol., vellum.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought from Wertheimer, 1893 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 23/9


Fol. 20
A commentary on Babylonian Talmud בבא מציעא fol. 116b to end

beg. missing, end obliterated.

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Germ. Rabb. char.; 4to, vellum.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought from Wertheimer, 1893 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 23/10


Babylonian Talmud שבת
Language(s): Hebrew

(fol. 24), from fol. 32, l. 24 (דומה כמי שנתנוהו בקולר). After ארנא (l. 6 from below), the MS. has ש̇מ̇ע̇ ע̇מ̇ו̇ ב̇ד̇ק̇ ר̇ י̇ו̇ס̇י̇ ב̇ן̇ ג̇מ̇ל̇ ב̇ק̇ד̇ש̇ ו̇נ̇ת̇ן̇ נ̇ד̇ר̇ו̇ ס̇י̇מ̇ן̇ ר̇ שמעון בן אלעזר; ends fol. 32b, l. 24 (אמ̇ למאן)


(fol. 25), from fol. 33, l. 5 from below (אמר רבא) to fol. 33b, l. 27 (לציפורי)

Physical Description

Syr. squ. Rabb. char.; 4to, vellum.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought from Wertheimer, 1893 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 23/11


Fol. 26
An Arabic commentary on קידושין

Specimens for identification:

(fol. 27) ואמא קו א̇ רב יהוד̇ אמ̇ רב אסור לאדם שישא אשה עד שיראנה ... כ̇מ̇וך פדלך עלי מא כאן פי אלזמאן אלקדים תמשי אלבנאת מכשופאת ועלי אלמנהאג̇ אלדי פי בלאד אלרום אלי אלאן;

(fol. 27b) וקאל אלגאון ז̇ל̇ המקדש בפסולי עדות דרבנן... ועללה רבינו יצחק פאסי ז̇ל̇;

(fol.28b) וקאל צאחב אלהלכות ז̇ל̇ מאן דמקדיש בביאה באעי תרי סהדי כממון;

(fol. 31) ועלל רבינו יוסף הרב הלוי ז̇ל̇;

(fol. 31b) וקאל רבינו נסים ז̇ל̇

Language(s): Judeo-Arabic

Physical Description

Syr. curs. char.; 4to, paper.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought from Wertheimer, 1893 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 23/12


Fol. 34
Commentary on Babylonian Talmud קידושין

fol. 29; Talmud ירושלמי is often quoted.

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. curs. char.; 4to, paper.
By the same hand as No. 2760 15.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought from Wertheimer, 1893 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 23/13


Fol. 36
An Arabic treatise on גטין

beg. with the table of contents, chap. xix אלקול פי תעדיד אסמא אלגטין ודכר אחכאמהא, ends with chap. li אלקול פי חכם תנאפי אלשהאדאת אלואקעה פי אלטלאק; fol. 37 text from section (וצף) 1 (beg. missing) to 4 (end missing).

Language(s): Judeo-Arabic

Physical Description

Syr. squ. Rabb. char.; 4to, vellum.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought from Wertheimer, 1893 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 23/14


Fol. 38
[הלכות פסוקות] in Aramaic with Arabic translation

Specimen: הכותב כל נכסיו לבניו וכתב לאשתו קרקע או מטלטלי כל שהוא בפניה ושתיקא אי ברא כתובתה אי צְווַחת הא צְווַחת: מן צדק במאלוה כולוה עלא ולדוה ואפרז למראתוה פי מהרהא קאעה או שי מן אלערוד.

Language(s): Aramaic, Judeo-Arabic

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; 4to, vellum.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought from Wertheimer, 1893 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 23/15


Fol. 40
Compendium of the Talmud, בבא מציעא

beg. and end missing.

Chap. xviii ends מתני̇. המשכיר בית לחבירו ונפל חייב להעמיד לו בית וכו̇ל. גיר̇ ירוש̇ ר̇ יוחנן אמ̇ באומר לו בית כזה אני משכיר לך. אבל אמ̇ לו בית זה אזדא. ואי הוה דייר ביה ונפל לא מיחייב לבנותו.

Next comes פרק י̇ט̇, beg. המקבל שדה מחבירו וכו̇ל. תניא ר̇ מאיר היה דורש לשון הדיוט אם אוביר ולא אעביר אשלם במוטבה. ההוא גברא....

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. squ. Rabb. char.; 4to, vellum.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought from Wertheimer, 1893 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 23/16


Fol. 42
A responsum addressed to R. Meshullam ben R. Moses

concerning the prayer והשיאנו, signed by Elijah Kohen ראש ישיבת י... and Abiathar hak-Kohen הנרבוני (?).

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Small Syr. Rabb. char.; fol., vellum, much injured.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought from Wertheimer, 1893 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 23/17


Fol. 43
A responsum (?) on פקדון

the following passage occurs on fol. 44b: ושאילת ראובן מן בני קירואן הוה ליה חנואתא ודרתא במיגנא ואתו יורש דראובן לבי דינא דקירואן....

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; 4to, vellum.
By the same hand as Nos. 2634 17; 2760 7; 2826 18, 34.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought from Wertheimer, 1893 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 23/18


Fol. 45
Alfasi on בבא מציעא

beg. and end missing.

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; fol., vellum.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought from Wertheimer, 1893 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 23/19


Fol. 51
Commentary (תוספות ?) on Babylonian Talmud בבא קמא

ff. 94 to 104. The word גליון occurs often in it.

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Germ. Rabb. char.; 4to, vellum.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought from Wertheimer, 1893 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 23/20


Fol. 53
Commentary (תוספות ?) on Babylonian Talmud פסחים

ff. 31b to 34.

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Germ. Rabb. char.; 4to, vellum.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought from Wertheimer, 1893 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 23/21


Babylonian Talmud בבא קמא

On the margin various readings (נ̇א̇) and omissions.

Language(s): Hebrew, Hebrew

(fol. 55), from רשות (fol. 40b, l. 24) to אבהו (fol. 41, l. 6 from below)


(fol. 56), from אבל (fol. 46, line 8 from below) to ברשות בעל (fol. 47b, l. 13)

Physical Description

Syr. squ. char.; fol., vellum, slightly obliterated.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought from Wertheimer, 1893 (from the Genizah).

MS. Heb. c. 23/22


Fol. 57
Masorah magna on ולא
Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Span. squ. char.; 2 coll., fol., vellum.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought from Wertheimer, 1893 (from the Genizah).

Additional Information

Record Sources

Manuscript description based on Catalogue of the Hebrew Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, vol. ii, by Adolf Neubauer and Arthur Ernest Cowley, Oxford 1906, No. 2667.


Entry to read in the Library is permitted only on presentation of a valid reader's card (for admissions procedures contact Bodleian Admissions). Contact specialcollections.enquiries@bodleian.ox.ac.uk for further information on the availability of this manuscript

Catalogue Images

Fragment Images

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