Hebrew and Judaica Manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries, Oxford University

MS. Heb. d. 75

Physical Description

Ff. 28.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through J. Offord in 1906. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 75/1


Fol. 1
Alfasi הלכות ציצית, parts of fols. 86a to 87a.
Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Maghrebi Rabb. char.; paper, fragment only, much injured and obliterated.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through J. Offord in 1906. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 75/2


Fol. 2
Halakhoth or commentary on יבמות, the beg. of chapter x

beg. (line 2) ירוש̇ תמן תנינן ר̇ יהודה בן אבא או̇ העיד חמשה דברים שממאנין את הקטנות מה על עדות חולקין לא על עיקר העידות הן חולקין בית שמאי או̇ כך היתה העדות ובית הלל או̇ כך היתה וקשיא על דבית הלל...

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Span. squ. char.; paper, originally about 10 1/4 x 7 3/4 in., about 28 lines; much injured, stained and obliterated.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through J. Offord in 1906. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 75/3


Fol. 3
Arabic letter; Halakha on Gittin

Both difficult to read.

Language(s): Arabic, Hebrew
Arabic letter

The rest of the verso has been afterwards used for some halakha on Gittin, continued on the margins of the recto.

Physical Description

Recto, naskhi; verso; Syr. Rabb. char.; paper, 10 1/4 x 6 1/2 in.; injured, stained and obliterated.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through J. Offord in 1906. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 75/4


Fol. 4
Midrash Tanḥuma, end of פר̇ תבא and beg. of נצבים

= ed. Buber, Deut. p. 46, line 17 to p. 48, line 31, after which it differs.

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; paper, 9 1/2 x 5 3/4 in., 30 lines, injured.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through J. Offord in 1906. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 75/5


Fol. 5
Headed לך לך, fragment of a homily on that parasha, from Gen. 15,4 to 15,18

beg. והנה דבר יי אליו לא יירשך זה אלא כמו שהבטחתיך והוא אשר ממיעיך הוא יירשך. ויוצא אתו החוצה לראות השמים וכוכביהם ועוד חוץ מדעתו שאשתו עקרה וזקנה ובבחרותה לא ילדה ויבש וסתה איך תלד בזקנתה...

On verse 11 he says וישב הבריח אותם ודגשות השי̈ן תחת נו̈ן [כמו כי רוח יי] נשבה בו.

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

There is a quire-mark ד̈ at the top right hand corner.
Span. Rabb. char.; paper, 10 1/2 x 7 in., 29 lines; injured.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through J. Offord in 1906. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 75/6


Fol. 6
Fragment of a theological treatise in Arabic

beg., where first legible ופי דלך קאל אלעלמא ז̇ל̇ מצו[ה גוררת] מצוה ועברה גוררת עברה פהדא פי קו' ארח לצדיק מישרים ואמא קו' יָשָר מעגַל צדיק תפלס פהו ביאן לאן אלב'. תע̇ הו אלדי יהדב מ.. אלצאלח באעאנתה פאלישר [י]שר בה אליה תע̇ לקו' להג[יד כי ישר] יי וג'...

Language(s): Judeo-Arabic

Physical Description

Syr. curs. char.; paper, 10 x 6 3/4 in., 25 lines, injured and obliterated.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through J. Offord in 1906. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 75/7


Fol. 7
Fragment of an Arabic commentary on Lev. 25, in connection with Mishnah B. Mezia iv. 10 and v. 1.

On verse 36 it has תם אלנהי ען רבא ואלמקאלבה ק' פיהמא אל תקח מאתו נשך ותרבית וירא' מאל' וחי אחיך עמך פאל נשך הו אלעינה. אלא שהד בי̇א̇ ו[תר]בית הי אלמקאלבה כאנה יקתרץ̇ מנה ק̇ דרהם. יטלבהא מנה פ וקת אלחנטה פל תכון מעה פיכתב עליה בהא חנטה....

Language(s): Judeo-Arabic

Physical Description

Span. Rabb. char.; paper, 11 1/4 x 6 1/2 in., 30 lines; much injured.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through J. Offord in 1906. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 75/8


Fol. 8
Fragment of D. Qimḥi's commentary on 1 Chron. 4,3-17.
Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Span. Rabb. char.; paper, 10 x 6 3/4 in., 21 lines, injured and obliterated.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through J. Offord in 1906. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 75/9


Fol. 9
Fragment of an Arabic responsum (?)

apparently dealing with the subject-matter of Mishnah Shebhu'oth vi. Verso blank.

Language(s): Judeo-Arabic

Physical Description

Syr. curs. char.; paper, torn and obliterated.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through J. Offord in 1906. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 75/10


Fol. 10
Legal document.

One of the parties is ...בן אבי סעיד.

Drawn up at a date subsequent to 1500 Sel. (i.e. after 1200 A.D.) before Abraham the Nagid at Fostat.

Witnesses אליהו ברבי זכריה (?) ת̇נ̇צ̇ב̇ה̇ and יעקב בן עמרם.

Verso blank.

Language(s): Judeo-Arabic

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; paper, 9 3/4 x 6 1/8 in., 23 lines; injured and mostly illegible.


Origin: After 1200 ; Fostat

Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through J. Offord in 1906. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 75/11


Fol. 11
Legal document.

Dated Monday, 25th of Tishri (?), 1386 Sel. (= 1075 A.D.) at Damascus, relating to a sum of 133 1/3 manahs.

The parties were Abraham, Japhet, Judah, Joseph.

Witnesses כלף ב שלם א נ̇נ̇ (i.e. בן משלם נ̇נ̇ as stated below) and נתנאל בן ישועה נ̇נ̇.

Below is the certificate of its execution, drawn up בבידינא דשמואל הנשיא השלישי בחבורה בירבי דניאל הנשיא גאון ז̇צ̇ל̇ who also wrote it and signed it.

Witnesses מעסד (?) בן שמואל and והב בר אסמעיל.

Half the recto and all the verso are blank.

Language(s): Aramaic

Physical Description

Syr. curs. char.; paper, 9 3/4 x 6 1/2 in., 16 lines; first part much injured.


Origin: Damascus; 1075

Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through J. Offord in 1906. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 75/12


Fol. 12
Accounts in Arabic

headed בשם ... שרח חסאב דאוד בן עמאר בן עזר[ון] ז̇ל̇ סנה ת̇מ̇א̇ = 1441 Sel. = 1130 A.D.

Language(s): Judeo-Arabic

Physical Description

Syr. curs. char.; paper, 10 3/4 x 7 3/4 in., 2 columns; stained.


Origin: 1130

Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through J. Offord in 1906. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 75/13


Fol. 13
Arabic letter to עלי הכהן החבר המעולה בסנ̇ גד̇ ביר̇ אברהם... from ולדה... טוביה ביר̇ עלי מן פסטאט מצר אלקאהרה אלמעזיה.

There is a date on the verso ראש חדש סיון א̇[ת̇כ̇?], i.e. about 1420 Sel. = about 1110 A.D. He went by sea from Tyre to Egypt where he found כ̇ג̇ק̇ מר̇ור̇ אדונינו אברהם... יסוד הישיבה ריש בי̇ רבנן וראש הסדר... בן כ̇ג̇ק̇ מר̇ור̇ אד̇ נתן אב בית דין של כל ישראל ז̇ל̇ who was seriously ill. On Sabbath, 1st of Shebet, the Nagid died, and his son (?) Moses was appointed in his place. Greetings to שני אחי מר̇ור̇ [ח]יים הכהן החזן יהודה הפרנס וכל הקהל, ישועה בן צדקה, מבשר בן גאלב מכצוצין באופו.

Language(s): Judeo-Arabic

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; paper, 10 x 7 in., injured and stained.


Origin: 1110 ; Fostat

Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through J. Offord in 1906. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 75/14


Fol. 14
Arabic letter to אבו סעיד.

Mentions סאלם בן נסים אלעבלאני.

Verso, address only.

Language(s): Judeo-Arabic

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; paper, 10 x 6 5/8 in., 10 lines, injured and stained.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through J. Offord in 1906. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 75/15


Fol. 15
Headed צדר כתאב מן דונש בן לב[ראט] אלי אלרב שמריה בן אלחנן.

Only the introduction, in an artificial style, mostly rhyming in –ים.

Verso, an owner's (?) name only, יחזקאל בר יצחק נ̇ע̇

Language(s): Hebrew, Judeo-Arabic

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; paper, 10 1/2 x 7 in., 2 columns, 26 lines; much injured (lower half of 2nd column torn off) and obliterated.


Provenance and Acquisition

Owner: Ezekiel b. Isaac

Bought through J. Offord in 1906. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 75/16


Fol. 16
Arabic letter to אבו סעד, apparently commercial.

Ends on verso, followed by some accounts in a very cursive naskhi.

Language(s): Judeo-Arabic, Arabic

Physical Description

Syr. curs. char. (verso naskhi); paper, torn and obliterated.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through J. Offord in 1906. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 75/17


Fol. 17
Arabic letter from בן שמואל נ̇נ̇… to אבו [יעקוב?] בן חסין בן שעיב

relating to money transactions with אבו אלכיר and אבו נגח בן יוחאנס אלג̇הביץ̇ (الجهبذ). Some of the money was מכתומה פי דאר אלצרף.

Verso, address and some lines of naskhi.

Language(s): Judeo-Arabic, Arabic

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; paper, 10 1/2 x 6 3/4 in., much injured and stained.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through J. Offord in 1906. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 75/18


Fol. 18
Beginning of a letter to כ̇ג̇ק̇ מר̇ור̇ דניאל הנשיא והגאון ושלשת חמודיו הנשיאים.

After the introduction, the writer says יבא למושב אד[ונינו] יחי לעד ר̇ נתן השלחני ובנו חמודו ועמהם מתים יצוה להרבות יקרם ולהגדיל כבודם לה[ער]יך לבם אליו כי הם מאוהביו ודרשים שלומיו תמיד...

The next line is defaced, and the rest torn off.

Verso blank.

Language(s): Hebrew

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; paper, 7 1/4 in. wide; injured and stained.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through J. Offord in 1906. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 75/19


Fol. 19
Arabic letter from עמרם ביר̇ יוסף ז̇צ̇ל̇ to נהראי הנשיא (?) בן מ̇ורב̇ נסים ז̇צ̇ל̇.

Verso, the last 3 lines and the address.

Language(s): Judeo-Arabic

Physical Description

Syr. curs. char.; paper, 10 1/2 x 6 1/4 in.; much injured and difficult to read.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through J. Offord in 1906. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 75/20


Fol. 20
Arabic letter from (?) מוסי בן אבו אלחי to אבו יחיי נהראי בן נסים נ̇ע̇.
Language(s): Judeo-Arabic

Physical Description

Syr. curs. char.; paper, 10 1/2 x 7 1/8 in., stained and obliterated.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through J. Offord in 1906. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 75/21


Physical Description

Syr. curs. char.; paper, 11 x 7 1/4 in., 2 columns; injured and stained.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through J. Offord in 1906. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 75/22


Fol. 22
Business letter in Persian to ابو الفضل ابن يعقوب ابن سهل بن ... يوسف سعيد (?).
Language(s): Judeo-Persian, fa

Physical Description

Or. curs. char.; paper, 11 3/8 x 7 3/8 in.; injured and stained.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through J. Offord in 1906. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 75/23


Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; paper, about 10 3/4 x 6 3/4 in.; much injured and obliterated.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through J. Offord in 1906. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 75/24


Fol. 24
Fragment of a letter in Arabic.

Mentions journeys to תניס and אלפסטאט.

Below is ש̇ס̇א̇ (a date?) = 1361 Sel. = 1050 A.D.

Verso blank.

Language(s): Judeo-Arabic

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; paper, 10 7/8 x 7 1/8 in.; injured and obliterated.


Origin: 1050

Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through J. Offord in 1906. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 75/25


Fol. 25
Arabic letter, mostly illegible.
Language(s): Judeo-Arabic

Physical Description

Span. curs. char.; paper, 10 1/8 x 6 3/4 in.; injured and much stained.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through J. Offord in 1906. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 75/26


Fol. 26
Arabic letter

headed כאדמהא אלאצגר. No names. Verso blank.

Language(s): Judeo-Arabic

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; paper, 9 x 6 1/2 in.; injured and stained.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through J. Offord in 1906. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 75/27


Fol. 27
Business letter in Arabic.

Mentions אבו אסחק ברהון. Some scribbling in the margin of the verso.

Language(s): Judeo-Arabic

Physical Description

Syr. curs. char.; paper, 10 1/8 x 6 1/2 in.; injured and stained.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through J. Offord in 1906. From the Genizah.

MS. Heb. d. 75/28


Fol. 28
Arabic letter.

Mentions צדקה בן עלון בן אלח[נן ?]. Mostly illegible.

Language(s): Judeo-Arabic

Physical Description

Syr. Rabb. char.; paper, 10 1/8 x 7 ins.; much injured and stained.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought through J. Offord in 1906. From the Genizah.

Additional Information

Record Sources

Manuscript description based on typewritten catalogue in the Bodleian Library, fols. 19-21.


Entry to read in the Library is permitted only on presentation of a valid reader's card (for admissions procedures contact Bodleian Admissions). Contact specialcollections.enquiries@bodleian.ox.ac.uk for further information on the availability of this manuscript

Catalogue Images

Fragment Images

Thumbnail of 1aThumbnail of 1bThumbnail of 2aThumbnail of 2bThumbnail of 3aThumbnail of 3bThumbnail of 4aThumbnail of 4bThumbnail of 5aThumbnail of 5bThumbnail of 6aThumbnail of 6bThumbnail of 7aThumbnail of 7bThumbnail of 8aThumbnail of 8bThumbnail of 9aThumbnail of 9bThumbnail of 10aThumbnail of 10bThumbnail of 11aThumbnail of 11bThumbnail of 12aThumbnail of 12bThumbnail of 13aThumbnail of 13bThumbnail of 14aThumbnail of 14bThumbnail of 15aThumbnail of 15bThumbnail of 16aThumbnail of 16bThumbnail of 17aThumbnail of 17bThumbnail of 18aThumbnail of 18bThumbnail of 19aThumbnail of 19bThumbnail of 20aThumbnail of 20bThumbnail of 21aThumbnail of 21bThumbnail of 22aThumbnail of 22bThumbnail of 23aThumbnail of 23bThumbnail of 24aThumbnail of 24bThumbnail of 25aThumbnail of 25bThumbnail of 26aThumbnail of 26bThumbnail of 27aThumbnail of 27bThumbnail of 28aThumbnail of 28b